Our Services

AAA HealthCare is now affiliated with Healthcare Sector Skill Council to provide skill development courses
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Healthcare is poised to become one of the largest sectors in India expected to be valued at US $280 billion by year 2020.
AAA HealthCare seeks to address the shortage of trained healthcare professionals by providing through Health Education and Training services

The foundation of our Health Education Platform rests on-
- Skill assessment
- Comprehensive training modules
- Innovative delivery models
- Certifications
- Mentoring & placement support
We provide:
A. Hospital oriented training programs:
AAA HealthCare has designed and developed hospital oriented training programs to provide constant skill up gradation training to the existing in – house employees of the hospitals. These training programs focus on both training In-house employees for their current jobs and developing skills for their future roles and responsibilities.
This program is aimed to train / orient employees of the hospitals for the preparedness of any fire hazard or such incidents that may occur in a hospital/organization setup and make them understand the importance of personal as well as patient/client safety. This will develop awareness and train them to face such accidents/hazards and participate in their rescue operations.
This program is aimed to train/orient the employees in Mass Causalities and in management & preparedness for such calamities that may occur in their vicinity. This program will develop awareness of how to handle major disaster and support the management in efficient rescue operations during that time.
Developing people skills along with the technical skills are more critical for an organization as well as an individual to remain competitive and productive. In the Soft skills both verbal and non-verbal are essential and important as it helps in forming impression which is very important for excellent patient counseling and competent patient care to ensure the success of healthcare organization.
The safety of Nurses and other Women Employees from workplace-induced injuries, illnesses and violence is important to themselves as well as to the patients/clients they serve. The presence of healthy and well-rested Female staff is critical to providing vigilant monitoring, empathic patient care, and vigorous advocacy.
B. Paramedical oriented training programs:
This program is aimed to train / orient employees of the hospitals for the preparedness of any fire hazard or such incidents that may occur in a hospital/organization setup and make them understand the importance of personal as well as patient/client safety. This will develop awareness and train them to face such accidents/hazards and participate in their rescue operations.
This program is aimed to train/orient the employees in Mass Causalities and in management & preparedness for such calamities that may occur in their vicinity. This program will develop awareness of how to handle major disaster and support the management in efficient rescue operations during that time.
Developing people skills along with the technical skills are more critical for an organization as well as an individual to remain competitive and productive. In the Soft skills both verbal and non-verbal are essential and important as it helps in forming impression which is very important for excellent patient counseling and competent patient care to ensure the success of healthcare organization.
The safety of Nurses and other Women Employees from workplace-induced injuries, illnesses and violence is important to themselves as well as to the patients/clients they serve. The presence of healthy and well-rested Female staff is critical to providing vigilant monitoring, empathic patient care, and vigorous advocacy.
C. Clinical research training programs:
This program is aimed to train / orient employees of the hospitals for the preparedness of any fire hazard or such incidents that may occur in a hospital/organization setup and make them understand the importance of personal as well as patient/client safety. This will develop awareness and train them to face such accidents/hazards and participate in their rescue operations.
This program is aimed to train/orient the employees in Mass Causalities and in management & preparedness for such calamities that may occur in their vicinity. This program will develop awareness of how to handle major disaster and support the management in efficient rescue operations during that time.
Developing people skills along with the technical skills are more critical for an organization as well as an individual to remain competitive and productive. In the Soft skills both verbal and non-verbal are essential and important as it helps in forming impression which is very important for excellent patient counseling and competent patient care to ensure the success of healthcare organization.
The safety of Nurses and other Women Employees from workplace-induced injuries, illnesses and violence is important to themselves as well as to the patients/clients they serve. The presence of healthy and well-rested Female staff is critical to providing vigilant monitoring, empathic patient care, and vigorous advocacy.
The objective is to encourage & involve participants not only to play a more active role in their own health care, but to also access experimental treatments and help others by contributing to medical research.
The aim is to provide opportunities for growth and education to Allied Health Workers as well as to bridge shortage of skilled healthcare workforce in Hospitals
AAA Healthcare focuses on developing people skills along with the technical skills, which are more critical for an organization as well as an individual to remain competitive and productive.